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De Facto Ruler Expected To Succeed King Salman

Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman Takes Reins of Power

De Facto Ruler Expected to Succeed King Salman

Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, known for his ambitious foreign policy, is poised to become the next king of Saudi Arabia.

Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, the current king, is 86 years old and in frail health. He is expected to abdicate in favor of his son, who has been the de facto ruler of the country for several years.

Mohammed bin Salman, also known as MBS, has been a controversial figure during his time in power. He has led a military intervention in Yemen, cracked down on dissent at home, and overseen a purge of his rivals within the royal family.

However, he is also seen as a modernizer who has introduced a number of reforms in the kingdom, including allowing women to drive and opening up the economy to foreign investment.

MBS is expected to continue his ambitious agenda if he becomes king. He has pledged to diversify the Saudi economy away from oil and to make the country a regional powerhouse.

It remains to be seen whether MBS will be able to fulfill his ambitious plans. He faces a number of challenges, including the ongoing war in Yemen, the threat of Iranian aggression, and the need to balance the interests of different factions within the royal family.
